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Today's News and Features

Splash: Water Safety Tips, Broken Down

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Headed to the water this summer? We can’t blame you. But whether you’re going solo, with friends, or little ones, it’s important to keep safety front and center as you don your swimsuit.
Below are a handful of SPLASH tips for enjoying beaches, lakes and rivers this summer, from Georgia Power:

- Supervision Designate an adult to watch children at all times. Do not assume someone else is watching.
- Prevention – Wear personal flotation devices (PFD or life jacket), install fencing around pools, and use drain covers in hot tubs and pools.
- Look before you leap – Never jump into water without knowing how deep it is and what is below the surface.
- Arm's Length – Adults should be arm's length to children in water, and safety tools such as hooks should be nearby at all times.
- Swim Lessons – Knowing how to swim greatly reduces the chance of drowning. Classes are often available through the Red Cross or YMCA.
- Have a Water Safety Plan – Know what to do during an emergency.

Source: Georgia Power

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