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HomeSmart Santa Clarita
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28361 Constellation , Valencia, CA91355
Michael BjorkmanO: (661) 295-1000C: 661-212-8075

Today's News and Features

How to Prevent a Fire in Your Home

Friday, February 02, 2018

Whether you're a lover of candles or toasty fires in the fireplace, watching flames flicker from the comfort of your own home can be lovely. However, home fires are the leading cause of home damage, so keep the following safety measures in mind, courtesy of American Red Cross.

- Keep all potential sources of fuel–paper, clothing, bedding, curtains or rugs–at least three feet away from sources of heat.
- Never leave portable heaters and fireplaces unattended.
- Place space heaters on a level, hard and nonflammable surface. Keep children and pets away from space heaters. Look for space heaters that shut off automatically if they are to fall over.
- Never use a cooking range or oven to heat your home.
-  Keep fire in your fireplace by using a glass or metal fire screen.

Source: American Red Cross

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